Polyblend #122 Linen Sanded Caulk

Home Depot Canada - Ottawa

Polyblend #122 Linen Sanded Caulk

Price: $10.99 at Home Depot Canada

Date posted: Jul 15, 2011


For caulking around sinks, tubs and showers and where tile meets tile or another surface. Also adheres bath fixtures and loose tile. Do not use to install grab bars. Maximum joint width and depth should not exceed 1/4" (6 mm). Do not use in area... Read more

Price history

Date Difference Change rate Price
Jul 15, 2011 $2.00
Price jump by 22%
Jul 6, 2011

Where to buy in Ottawa


Polyblend #122 Linen Sanded Caulk view

Posted on: Jul 15, 2011

22% Price jump by 22%

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